Features of a Learning Space for Refugee Students

Schools will need to make adjustments in order to accommodate the needs of refugee students. Some changes include:

  • Language Professionals: Some refugee students may not understand the English language, which is one of the toughest barriers for most immigrant and refugee families.
  • Creation of ESL Classes/ Program: Schools already have programs in place to help non-speakers to learn English. In schools with many refugee students, their respective programs may need to be expanded or fine-tuned to accommodate speakers of a particular language.
  • Counselling/ Crisis Professionals: More counsellors, or counsellors specialising in crises, may be needed at schools. Hopefully this will not be a long-term necessity, especially if the educational community and society at large are kind to incoming refugees.
  • Cultural Needs: Schools may need to exhibit particular attention to meet the needs of their students. This could mean educating students and faculty on certain cultural aspects or making food menus more diverse or eliminating ingredients if a large portion of students cannot eat it.
  • Dealing with Families: Families, like the students, will likely be dealing with traumas and language barriers. Schools are charged with monitoring progress and in meeting with families throughout the year. Translators may be necessary to speak with these families. Teachers could take it upon themselves to monitor refugee children carefully as they adjust to their new environment, and communicating with parents will create trust.
  • Spiritual Needs: Finally, students may be suffering on a spiritual level. Teachers, particularly those in the arts, have a unique opportunity to help their students heal. Expressing oneself through art is in itself a form of therapy. Arts require skill and commitment and give the children goals and benchmarks of achievement. Expression through art is an enjoyable experience that can be enjoyed cross-culturally. Art transcends the barriers of language and unites peoples from around the world. This could be a fun and meaningful outlet for children.

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